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Thursday 12 March 2009

I am getting a serious amount of grief for not updating my blog! Sorry...sorry....sorry!! Those of you who know my well will laugh heartily when I say I find it difficult to talk about myself....
I have just arrived home from gay Pareeee, which is, as they say, really beautiful in the springtime. Of course, I have eaten far too many cakes, pastries and Macrons, but the trek up the one hundred and eight steps to our apartment (and the 280 up the Sac re Co er) has hopefully prevented the pounds from piling on!
A place that is definitely worth a mention, although I wasn't bright enough to remember the name, opposite the Rose Bakery on Rue Des Martyrs, which unfortunately was closed on one occasion we visited...and nearly closed the second time we called (nothing left!) a simply wonderful patisserie with macrons in flavours traditional (Pistachio, Violet, Rose) and the not so traditional (Basil, Chilli)...yum!
Our apartment, in the 17th Arrondissement was typically Parisian, surrounded by boulevards full of fabulous shops. La Fromagerie, THE greatest cheesemonger was on our doorstep (Rue de Courcelles) along with busy boulangeries and chacuteries that could turn the most ardent vegetarian into a carnivore.
So, tomorrow it will be back to the grindstone. Rachel, hopefully will not have burned too many teacakes (or should that be Emma!). Dan will be driven to distraction by lunchtime as I place my requests for French patisserie....

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