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Tuesday 21 April 2009

Phew! What an Easter! No signs of a credit crunch in Easingwold- thank goodness!! Today most of the kids went back to school...and the yummy mummies were back at TeaHee, sans ankle biters!

It has been wonderful, after a long winter to have the garden open, although Rachel may not agree (16 extra covers) judging from the steam coming out of her ears!!

Tomorrow we have the York Press coming to photograph our lovely cakes for an article entitled 'Tea and Sympathy', some may say 'Tea and a fair level of abuse' might be more fitting!!

Just before Easter we scooped Minster FM's award for the best bacon buttie in Yorkshire. Ali B broadcast live to the masses, explaining what made our butties better than anyone elses..Great meat from S&J Butchers, proper butter, lovely local bread and Rachie in the kitchen giving each one her undivided attention....and a little kiss befor it leaves her department!

On a personal basis, I popped down to London to catch a preview showing of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert...WOW! The only problem is I have been singing MacArthur Park to the customers for nearly three weeks now...oh, the pain!!!!

1 comment:

Hogdayafternoon said...

Lucky lucky Wossie!